My Digital Footprint

As an ICT educator I believe that I should be proactive in owning my digital presence and I use different social media for this purpose.


I use Twitter as source of professional learning, a place to showcase my own learning and that of my students and as a global staffroom. I have found the educators I have connected with to be amazing, inspiring and truly generous people willing to share their passion and knowledge with others.

As a rural educator in a small country school, the value of these connections and learning is priceless and if you like anything you find on my website, it can be attributed to the amazing people I work with.

My favourite hashtages #globalclassroom #ozprimschchat #CathedWA #WApln


Wow, wow! What an amazingly powerful way to connect with other schools. I have experienced the power of Skype to make the world a smaller place for our students. To witness a child in our school speak Afrikaans to kids in Cape Town, to hear reflections from Year Six students about speaking to students from New York in a multi story school, to hear students say that Siberia felt like ‘just down the road’. These are the kinds of experiences that children remember and make them understand their place in the world.

Mrs Muste

Initially, I used this for connecting with my ICT classes outside of class time to share resources and to build on lessons learnt during the day. This year, I have expanded and have joined a two other schools, one in Perth and the other in Chicago, so that our students learn about each other. I would highly recommend this as a fabulous way to connect with other schools, especially those whose time differences are great.


This was my first venture into social media and is mostly used by me for personal connections with family and friends. I do occasionally find great educational resources shared by educators in this forum.

You Tube

I have mostly been a consumer of YouTube, finding it to be a very useful resource for finding educational videos for my students. This term I have used it to showcase work by students and to read a picture book to students from America.


Wikispaces have been the platform of choice for most of the #globalclassroom projects. Each school had its own page and could display their information in any way they choose.


A curation tool that allows me to collect websites about two themes, Australian Education and Teacher Librarian/ICT.


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